Thursday, 19 February 2009

Think Vintage, not old and unfashionable

Picture this if you will, you have just arrived at the truly charming and delightful “holiday villa” you booked through “Select holiday villas”. You swing your milk bottle white pins from the chauffeur driven limo you hired, because you are pushing the boat out this holiday and doing it all style and head towards the imposing and awe-inspiring entrance, ready to be greeted by the on hand butler.

You turn around, just as the porter has reached into the boot of the limo and there, on the stair, you die a thousand deaths. Why? Because surrounded by picturesque views, exquisite gardens and a striking “holiday villa”, your luggage stands out like a great big fat sore thumb. Imagine turning up to a cocktail party in a shell suit…. Just like that!

Darlings… if you are going to do something, do it in style I say!

Investing in luggage takes a lot of planning. The word invest is paramount in that sentence, don’t be taken in by the cheap prices from the high street stores. Luggage is one area where it really does pay to spend a little more on quality merchandise.

Aside from the ridiculous inventions, the suitcase bike or the luggage set that turns into a bookcase, I would suggest sticking to a firm favourite and market leader and choosing something from the Samsonite vintage collection; it’s very titanic or a little more upmarket and trendy in the form of the lime green Camden town collection. Its super shiny hard casing looks like it may need a little turtle wax every now and then to keep it in tip top condition, but believe me when I say, it aids the confidence a lot when the porter makes that stretch into the boot.

The vintage collection on the other hand is exquisite and will make you feel attractive, together, stunning and every other powerful word that epitomises happiness for any female. That, alongside the holiday in one of the astonishing finds from “Select holiday villas” and you will feel like a movie star! Only you don’t have to appear in a blockbuster film or try and claw 15 minutes of fame from a reality TV show in order to obtain this lifestyle. Looking into a “holiday villa rental” and investing in new luggage of course, will give you a whole new lease of life. There are so many destinations to choose from, you are literally spoilt of choice. The life of luxury, can be yours, even if it is just for a week, it will be worth it.

Written by Joanna Saywell-Lee

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